
Friday 11 December 2015

Blogmas day 11:)

Today I had a careers advice interview, that was really beneficial to me because I always used to think that when I was older I was going to be a teacher, but as I've grown up, I've moved away from that idea and instead I've found that being a makeup and hair stylist is my dream job.

Makeup to me is a hobby, an interest and something that I do when I'm not doing homework. However, I do not wear makeup all the time and I do not think makeup should be used to hide your face.

I've probably been into makeup for about two years now, and have been blogging on and off for around a year and a bit. In my careers interview, the lady and I discussed what options I had taken and what options I will need to take in later life to get me to where I want to be. One thing I am going to start doing is making a little portfolio of any makeup type things that I do and any experiences that I have. For example, if I help out at a school play I'll put that in my portfolio.

Just this evening I have printed some makeup charts, because I think these would be great to practice on. As I haven't taken creative subjects, a portfolio is great because it shows off some of the work I have done.

My favourite thing to do in makeup is eyeshadow. I prefer to change up eye looks more than I do lips, just because that was my first interest in makeup and has been since.

Just talking through what I wanted to do, and ways to go about it was really beneficial to me and if you ever get the opportunity to do something like this, I'd suggest you do it. Even if you know what you want to be but need further clarification or if you have no idea, because it really does help, or it did for me anyway, to talk it through and get some rough ideas of what you could be.

Only 13 days :)


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